Obesity is becoming a major problem in society with far-reaching implications for additional health risks like heart disease and type II diabetes. Surgery should never be the first option for weight loss, but if diet, exercise, and changes in lifestyle are unsuccessful in controlling weight, there are surgical options.
Weight loss surgery is achieved surgically in a number of ways including: by reducing the size of the stomach; through removal of a portion of the stomach; or by rerouting the small intestines to a small stomach pouch. Each method offers pros and cons and should be discussed with your chosen physician.
Countries like Mexico and Costa Rica invite thousands of American and Canadian patients each year looking for cost effective gastric banding, gastric sleeves, and gastric bypass. New techniques like gastric plication and intragastric ballooning are constantly being developed to provide options for the patient looking to lose a substantial amount of weight.
Countries like Mexico and Costa Rica invite thousands of American and Canadian patients each year looking for cost-effective gastric banding, gastric sleeves, and gastric bypass.
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